lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

A Place you Don't know

Moving from one city to another, from one school to another, and the house is very difficult to get used to another environment you're used.
For me, changing school was something that cost me used to it. Because I am shy and find it hard to trust people to show who I am.
I felt very nervous to get to my new school, because when you get to a new place you try to fit in and get used to the new location.
when I change the school, at first I feel strange and that I didn't fit there.
At the beginning of the year, I was always shy and did not show who I really was, I think it was fear, fear that if I showed who I really was, I did not fit there.
Over the year, things happened to me which made me think that I definitely did not belong there.
I felt bad, frustrated, not knowing what to do, not have anyone who can help me.
I never liked move to a new place because I do not know how to react to this situation.
Be the new and not have someone familiar to talk to and get used to where I'm going to have to live it is very difficult for me.
Now I have some amazing friends to share with, talk to who support me and understand me. Although at first it was hard to get used to always do.
To change school I have new friends, but also I leave behind the friendships that I had before, and I learned that the distances and the changes left behind by things that were very important to you.
change is good, but it has bad things. for example, I change my school I win more confidence for me and new friends, but also lost friends who were and remain important to me. So I think for me this change was very hard because I lost important friendships. But I realized who are my real friends, since friendship remains of the distance.
If there are times I'd wish go back with my friends, my old place, but everything happens for a reason. I think I'm good right here with this change.
And I know that change of place is very easy for some people, as difficult for others.
There are people who are used to move from one place to another. But for me the important thing is to adapt well to these changes in place.
For example, when you change your home, you have to get used to your new room your new surroundings.
if you change schools, you have to get used to the people who will share day by day.
and if you change your country, you have to get used to the culture and adapt to it.
And I know that when you change your place, you'll always have something that you miss.
For example: 4 years ago, my dad had the possibility to study in Argentina for a year, my dad took the opportunity and took us with him. That was the first time I got a place that did not know, try to adapt to something new (I think from there started my fear of being new at something). The truth was a unique experience to go to Argentina, know that place, and adapt to their culture, I already spoke with an Argentine accent. Was an experience I will never forget and I would like that to happen again.
as I said when you move to another place you do not know and try to fit in, I learned that you have to adapt to how you can, as they always have to make changes and move on where you're used.
So remember do not be afraid to change you to another place, regardless of who is a place you don't know.

1 comentario:

  1. Katherin:

    They say that moving to a new place is among the top 5 hardest things you can do. With me, having moved to Guatemala where the language isn't my own, the customs are different and the people are different has been hard in many ways, and I think I underestimated what it would really take to up and move to Guatemala. I miss my family often, and I don't always make time to talk to my friends as much as a should.

    However, on the other hand, there is not a thing I would have changed about the last year. I have changed, and in so many ways, become a better person.

    Thank you for sharing your story.

    Next time, though, I would like you to zero in on a smaller idea, like your move to Argentina. I think that would create a great platform for a blog.

    Also, make sure to concentrate on your writing. If you'd like me to help you edit, just send me your entry in an e-mail by Friday. I'm always happy to help.

    Keep challenging yourself!

    Miss K
